Preventing Dementia Always open

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Always open and on-demand

Unlock your potential with our self-paced, on-demand course designed to fit your schedule. With 24/7 access, you can start learning anytime, anywhere. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, our course is always open, allowing you to progress at your own pace. Join now and take the first step towards increasing your knowledge on dementia risk and prevention.

Course Description

The Preventing Dementia MOOC is a free online course, developed and taught by the Wicking Dementia Centre.  The course is ideal for ANYONE who wants to learn about preventing dementia and the modifiable risk factors for dementia.

Dementia has a profound impact on individuals, families and communities, and the number of people with dementia across the world increases every year as our global population ages.

Knowledge is the key to understanding prevention. Learn at your own pace, anytime and anywhere.

Course Outline

1. Can dementia be prevented?

Learn about key concepts in dementia prevention, as well as how we study dementia risk in populations, and the major modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.

2. Dementia risk - it's not all in your head

Examine the evidence supporting links between dementia risk and key vascular and medical risk factors, such as diabetes and physical activity.

3. A healthy and active mind

Learn about the impact of education and depression on dementia risk, and how we can build ‘cognitive reserve’ to resist the effects of diseases that cause dementia.

4. Interventions for prevention

Key strategies for prevention at the individual and population level are examined. New research initiatives that may impact on dementia risk are also explored.